Launch Celebration


2019 Nobel Laureate Professor Stan Whittingham, who was key to the discovery of intercalation chemistry and the design of lithium-ion batteries, will share a keynote address


Join us on September 29 as we formally launch the UC San Diego Institute for Materials Discovery and Design, and usher in a new era of nanoscale and quantum materials creation.


2019 Nobel Laureate Professor Stan Whittinghamm, who was key to the discovery of intercalation chemistry and the design of lithium-ion batteries, will provide keynote remarks on the importance of this type of collaborative materials design, and the future of energy storage.


IMDD director Shirley Meng and co-director Michael Sailor will share their vision for the Institute, and IMDD faculty and industry partners will present short talks describing their IMDD research thrust areas, including biomaterials, quantum materials, and computational research. At the end of the celebration, take a virtual tour of the IMDD facilities on the UC San Diego campus.


The Institute for Materials Discovery and Design applies data analytics and machine learning together with rapid materials synthesis and multi-scale characterization in order to accelerate the discovery, design, synthesis, and evaluation of novel functional materials. The Institute is a joint initiative between the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering and Division of Physical Sciences.

Register for the IMDD Launch Celebration here.